Thursday 15 September 2016

September 15th

Today was about working with rational numbers and getting comfortable with them again.  We reviewed how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions (aka rational numbers).

When adding and subtracting rational numbers, you need to get a common denominator.

When multiply rational numbers, it is easier if you simplify numerators and denominators first.  It's okay if you don't, but the number can get pretty big and you'll have to reduce it later.

When dividing rational numbers, you "flip and multiply" the 2nd fraction.  (also called taking the reciprocal).

The worksheets are for your practice (and the riddles are fun).

I asked you to try the four questions I put on the board.  If I can figure out how to upload the picture, I'll do that after volleyball practice tonight.  See you tomorrow morning!

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