Wednesday 18 January 2017


Writing Multiple Choice Tests:

  • NEVER leave a question blank - as a last resort, at least make an educated guess.
  • NEVER waste time on a question worth one mark.  Mark a hard question to come back to later.
    • Draw a triangle around a tough question and circle a question you think you have, but want to check later.
  • Cross off the obviously wrong answers - it will at least give you a better chance of making a good educated guess.
Ways to start studying:

  • NEVER just look at your past notes - this is the worst way to study.  You don't have notes in your test, so you want to practice with your books closed.
  1. Pick 10 questions from past tests, quizzes, textbooks, internet etc. (make sure you have the answers somewhere)
  2. Put your book away and try the questions like it is a test.
  3. Open your book and mark the work.
  4. With your book open, make your corrections.
  5. Pick another 10 questions and start again - this time, pick questions you struggled with the first time.
  6. Keep doing this until you can comfortably do the questions on your own.
* To make this more fun, do this with a friend.  Make questions for each other :)  I'm sure a parent will help you pick out questions as well :)

I have photocopied all of our tests from the semester for you to go over.  Please try to do these on your own first before you start to look at your answers - see above.

More to come...

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